What's this?

I really can't remember shit. It never really bothered me tbh. All past experiences up to this moment get compressed down to a few chunks of geographically and chronologically related periods of time. At least for me, the easiest way to recall moments is to think about macro conditions of life and recover a set of memories from each; a few key moments and some snapshots. Houses I'd lived in, trips, close friends, work/school etc. I'd accepted that this was how memory works.

Today It struck me that there is information that is entirely unrecoverable about myself. My opinions and thoughts at different stages. Unlike shared experiences where you can reminisce or bring up photos, our thoughts are internal, personal and, unless written down or powerful enough, completely transient. What did I think about what life would be like in my 20s when I was a child? I went through the very black and white socialism + UBI + corps are evil phase, what information was I missing for a more nuanced opinion? What was I thinking when Trump first ran for president? What was my first impression on using an LLM? All gone.

That thought led me to implementing versioning and in the future diffs into my articles. Fuck man, writing is hard. Anyway, here's a tansition to the completely unrelated writing in the previous version of this article. That's a problem for version 4.

This year I'm forcing myself to work, learn and build in public.

The main reasons for creating this website are:

  1. To remember what the fuck is going through my head.
  2. To have a place to set my work in stone.
  3. In the short term, to channel my fear of what others think of me into a productive energy and keep myself accountable.
  4. In the long term, to overcome my fear of what others think of me.
  5. To work more deliberately, with an end goal in mind and complete projects, no matter the quality.
  6. To increase serendipity.
  7. To improve my writing.

Ground rules:

  1. All content is a working document. There's no moderation or self censorship. Nothing will be fully polished before publication. Maybe in the future I'll add a tag to differentiate in-progress vs completed work.
  2. No LLMs. Not even proof reading. Going to raw dog the shit out of this writing.

Testing the version control and diffs view.